Don't Let the Seasonal Transition Spook You!

By Kari Moyer, LPC

Boo!!! Fall is upon us, which has left many grieving those sunny skies and 90-degree days. Transitioning from sun-filled days to gray can feel like a daunting and draining reminder that winter/hibernation season is near. We tend to mourn the activities we WON’T be able to do, but what if we brainstormed what we CAN do to help promote physical, emotional, and mental wellbeing through the colder months instead?

Staying active in the chillier months has always been difficult for me. I’ve often found myself counting down the days and obsessively checking my weather app to see when the next sunny day will be. So, I write this blog for those who find themselves in similar thought patterns. My mindset changed when I started looking forward to activities I GET to enjoy that didn’t make my priority list in warmer months, but still fill my cup!

Hot chocolate, hot yoga classes, puzzles, reading by a fire, baking, recharging, bubble baths, coloring, journaling, a long weekend somewhere warm, snuggling with a pet, board games, increased quality time with a partner/loved one, hot coffee, admiring nature’s colors, binge-watching a series, a glass of red wine, brisk walks outside, date-nights in, slumber parties with friends, first Fall experiences as a parent … the list goes on.

Now I think of myself as seasonal; I evolve every day through new experiences, whether on a small or large scale. When things change, we often have to find ways to adapt. But what if the adaptation was something to look forward to, rather than dread?

Perhaps you start viewing yourself as seasonal as well—and in each season of you, you make a list of things that bring you joy and admiration? If you can truly flip the narrative toward what this season CAN bring, it might just make this transition feel a bit less spooky. :)

Amy Freier